ProteomeBinders Resources

Creating a comprehensive affinity reagent resource for the human proteome requires integration of protein or epitope resources for immunisation and screening with high throughput methods for binder selection, characterisation and quality control. ProteomeBinders is additonally evaluating binder-based technologies and their application in fuctional proteome analysis.
This page lists and links resources and reports towards these goals developed in the ProteomeBinders consortium.
Community-based portal showing application-specific validation of publicly available antibodies to human protein targets. Each protein binder (antibody or other affinity reagent) has been scored according to a standardised format.

EpiC – The ProteomeBinders Epitope Choice Resource (alpha release)
EpiC collates and presents a structure-function summary of your proteins of interest to help you design antibodies against epitopes that are appropriate to your planned experiments.

HUPO PSI-PAR: a standard format for protein affinity reagents
The Proteomics Standards Initiative (PSI) aims to define community standards for data representation in proteomics to facilitate data comparison, exchange and verification. The PSI-PAR format is a standardized means of representing protein affinity reagent data and is designed to facilitate the exchange of information between different databases and/or LIMS systems.

Protein Array Resource Page
Protein arrays are rapidly becoming established as a powerful means to detect proteins, monitor their expression levels, and investigate protein interactions and functions. The Protein Array Resource Page collates information on the state of the art, emerging technologies and applications of protein arrays.

MolMeth – Free Protocols Online (beta release)
The MolMeth database is currently being built up, with the vision to provide free, up-to-date and community-validated protocols for molecular methods. Its full contents will be available to the public. In the meantime, we need your help! Please submit your own methods or lab protocols